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Cadmium Fluoride, CdF2

Cadmium Fluoride, CdF2, has been prepared by evaporating a solution of the metal in hydrofluoric acid, or by treating cadmium, cadmium oxide, or cadmium chloride (which decomposes incompletely) with hydrogen fluoride at a high temperature. It is a white crystalline powder, insoluble in alcohol, that is converted into oxide by oxygen and steam at a red heat, and into sulphide by hydrogen sulphide at a moderate heat. Acids dissolve it, hydrofluoric acid probably forming an acid salt, and 1000 c.c. of water at 25° C. dissolve about 45 grm.

It melts at 520° C., is not volatile at 1200° C., and its density is 6.64 - according to Clarke and Kebler 5.994 at 22° C.

The double fluorides 2KCl.CdF2, NH4F.CdF2, and 2CdF2.ZrF4.6H2O have been described.

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