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Cadmium Peroxide

Haass obtained compounds varying in composition between Cd5O8 and Cd3O5 by the action of hydrogen peroxide upon cadmium hydroxide in experiments similar to those he performed upon zinc. Kouriloff obtained a yellow, finely crystalline powder of CdO2.Cd(OH)2 by evaporating cadmium hydroxide nearly to dryness with dilute hydrogen peroxide solution. It was soluble in ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide was produced when it was acted upon by acids.

Eijkman described a yellow transparent product obtained by treating an ammoniacal solution of cadmium sulphate with 30 per cent, hydrogen peroxide solution. It became superficially coated with CdO, was insoluble in sodium hydroxide, and decomposed violently at 190° C. It corresponded to the formula 4CdO2.Cd(OH)2.

Teletoff prepared 5CdO2.CdO.3H2O and 5CdO2.3CdO.5H2O by adding a large excess of 30 per cent, hydrogen peroxide solution to a concentrated solution of cadmium sulphate which had been treated with ammonia till the precipitate first formed dissolved.

Small quantities of cadmium peroxide occur in the smoke when the metal is burnt at the lowest possible temperature.

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