Cadmium in PDB, part 5 (files: 161-200),
PDB 1mws-1qvf
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Cadmium (Cd) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Cadmium atoms. PDB files: 161-200 (PDB 1mws-1qvf).
1mws (Cd: 8) - Structure of Nitrocefin Acyl-Penicillin Binding Protein 2A From Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Strain 27R at 2.00 A Resolution.
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
1mwt (Cd: 9) - Structure of Penicillin G Acyl-Penicillin Binding Protein 2A From Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Strain 27R at 2.45 A Resolution.
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
1mwu (Cd: 5) - Structure of Methicillin Acyl-Penicillin Binding Protein 2A From Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Strain 27R at 2.60 A Resolution.
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
1n0i (Cd: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ferrochelatase with Cadmium Bound at Active Site
Other atoms:
Mg (3);
Cl (2);
1n2z (Cd: 22) - 2.0 Angstrom Structure of Btuf, the Vitamin B12 Binding Protein of E. Coli
Other atoms:
Co (2);
Cl (6);
1n8r (Cd: 5) - Structure of Large Ribosomal Subunit in Complex with Virginiamycin M
Other atoms:
Mg (117);
K (1);
Cl (22);
Na (86);
1ncx (Cd: 2) - Troponin C
1ng1 (Cd: 3) - N and Gtpase Domains of the Signal Sequence Recognition Protein Ffh From Thermus Aquaticus
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
1nji (Cd: 5) - Structure of Chloramphenicol Bound to the 50S Ribosomal Subunit
Other atoms:
Mg (117);
K (2);
Cl (24);
Na (85);
1np8 (Cd: 13) - 18-K C-Terminally Trunucated Small Subunit of Calpain
1npe (Cd: 6) - Crystal Structure of Nidogen/Laminin Complex
1nz4 (Cd: 2) - The Horse Heart Myoglobin Variant K45E/K63E Complexed with Cadmium
Other atoms:
Fe (1);
1oeb (Cd: 1) - Mona/Gads SH3C Domain
1oee (Cd: 4) - Yoda From Escherichia Coli Crystallised with Cadmium Ions
1on3 (Cd: 3) - Transcarboxylase 12S Crystal Structure: Hexamer Assembly and Substrate Binding to A Multienzyme Core (with Methylmalonyl-Coenzyme A and Methylmalonic Acid Bound)
1on9 (Cd: 3) - Transcarboxylase 12S Crystal Structure: Hexamer Assembly and Substrate Binding to A Multienzyme Core (with Hydrolyzed Methylmalonyl-Coenzyme A Bound)
1oo2 (Cd: 2) - Crystal Structure of Transthyretin From Sparus Aurata
1orq (Cd: 7) - X-Ray Structure of A Voltage-Dependent Potassium Channel in Complex with An Fab
Other atoms:
K (6);
1oyr (Cd: 3) - Crystal Structure of the Phosphorolytic Exoribonuclease Rnase pH From Bacillus Subtilis
1p8z (Cd: 3) - Complex Between Rabbit Muscle Alpha-Actin: Human Gelsolin Residues VAL26-GLU156
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
1p9e (Cd: 1) - Crystal Structure Analysis of Methyl Parathion Hydrolase From Pseudomonas Sp Wbc-3
Other atoms:
K (4);
Zn (3);
Na (5);
1pck (Cd: 2) - Aquifex Aeolicus KDO8PS in Complex with Z-Methyl-Pep
1pcw (Cd: 2) - Aquifex Aeolicus KDO8PS in Complex with Cadmium and App, A Bisubstrate Inhibitor
1pe1 (Cd: 2) - Aquifex Aeolicus KDO8PS in Complex with Cadmium and 2-Pga
1pew (Cd: 4) - High Resolution Crystal Structure of JTO2, A Mutant of the Non-Amyloidogenic LAMBA6 Light Chain, Jto
1pl3 (Cd: 6) - Cytochrome Domain of Cellobiose Dehydrogenase, M65H Mutant
Other atoms:
Fe (2);
1psc (Cd: 4) - Phosphotriesterase From Pseudomonas Diminuta
1pw3 (Cd: 4) - Crystal Structure of JTOR68S
1q7y (Cd: 5) - Crystal Structure of Ccdap-Puromycin Bound at the Peptidyl Transferase Center of the 50S Ribosomal Subunit
Other atoms:
Mg (117);
K (2);
Cl (22);
Na (86);
1q7z (Cd: 2) - Cobalamin-Dependent Methionine Synthase (1-566) From Thermotoga Maritima (CD2+ Complex)
1q81 (Cd: 5) - Crystal Structure of Minihelix with 3' Puromycin Bound to A- Site of the 50S Ribosomal Subunit.
Other atoms:
Mg (117);
K (2);
Cl (22);
Na (86);
1q82 (Cd: 5) - Crystal Structure of Cc-Puromycin Bound to the A-Site of the 50S Ribosomal Subunit
Other atoms:
Mg (117);
K (2);
Cl (22);
Na (86);
1q85 (Cd: 3) - Cobalamin-Dependent Methionine Synthase (1-566) From Thermotoga Maritima (CD2+ Complex, Se-Met)
1q86 (Cd: 5) - Crystal Structure of Cca-Phe-Cap-Biotin Bound Simultaneously at Half Occupancy to Both the A-Site and P- Site of the the 50S Ribosomal Subunit.
Other atoms:
Mg (118);
K (2);
Cl (22);
Na (86);
1q8a (Cd: 2) - Cobalamin-Dependent Methionine Synthase (1-566) From Thermotoga Maritima (CD2+:L-Hcy Complex, Se-Met)
1q8j (Cd: 2) - Cobalamin-Dependent Methionine Synthase (1-566) From Thermotoga Maritima (CD2+, Hcy, Methyltetrahydrofolate Complex)
1qjk (Cd: 4) - Metallothionein Mta From Sea Urchin (Alpha Domain)
1qjl (Cd: 3) - Metallothionein Mta From Sea Urchin (Beta Domain)
1qjw (Cd: 4) - CEL6A (Y169F) with A Non-Hydrolysable Cellotetraose
1qvf (Cd: 5) - Structure of A Deacylated Trna Minihelix Bound to the E Site of the Large Ribosomal Subunit of Haloarcula Marismortui
Other atoms:
Mg (119);
K (2);
Cl (22);
Na (86);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 16:26:32 2025